With a growing demand for customization and actions to retain and engage your customers, it's impossible to do everything within your platform, it's necessary right now with so much competition in the e-commerce market, stand out in an agile and efficient way, and one of the ways to do this is with windows that lead to your user, stock alternatives, it is known that people love a promotion or a discount, or even that they need to buy now, as it is the last unit of the product, that all are actions that engage, in addition to these there are actions that retain users, such as coupons for them to stay and make a purchase in the store, or windows with promotions, the The possibilities are countless, with HintUP® you will have in your hands a simple tool, but created to be efficient when it comes to results. See some options of poptops you will have at your disposal:

  • Roulette: The famous roulette we saw on TV shows, will now work for you, retaining customers and winning emails for your email marketing.
  • Stay More: A retention window that can show products in promotions or even offer a discount coupon to that customer.
  • Who Bought: Window created to awaken the user's desire to buy, since there are people buying in the store, he will feel more comfortable to buy too.
  • We have X Products in Stock: Window used to generate scarcity in the person, as he sees that the product is running out and needs to act quickly to guarantee hers.
  • Counter: A window is shown to the customer, with a 1-minute counter and a coupon so that they can click and enjoy the discounted purchase.
  • Curiosity: An icon in your store will generate curiosity on the part of the customer to click on it, there will appear a window with special and unique products for the customer.
  • LGPD: Window for the customer to accept the terms of the store to continue browsing.

You can create the most varied types of poptops that your virtual store needs to convert users into customers and thus increase your sales. Try HintUP®, no loyalty, no contract, come and see!

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