The human mind is something fantastic, and one of the things that most sharpens the mind's curiosity, without a shadow of a doubt, is knowing that other people are buying, who has never passed a supermarket aisle, saw someone excited seeing a product and after the person left the place, let's check what it was, with this same purpose and knowing the human curiosity is that we created our Poptop Who Bought, this poptop is discreet and can be positioned on the left, right or in other areas that are interesting, it appears by sliding on your customer's monitor, with the information that Someone in a certain location has just purchased a product in your store, the phrases can be customized, the names and locations too, the products can also follow a certain intelligence as the most sold, for example, Poptop Quem Compra, has strength in generating action, as a person who sees others buying creates a much greater trust in your store, in the end the next step is for the customer to go and buy what they want with more certainty and confidence in making a purchase decision. As with all our Poptops, the Poptop Who Purchased can also be configured completely, the appearance time, the return time of this Poptop, how much more times appear to the potential customer, the more he will understand that they are buying in the store, but everything is done consistently.

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